Pontavent Paul Gauguin

In thesummer of 1886, at the age of 38,Paul Gauguin first came to paint in the village of pont Aven in Brittany.It was the beginning of his lifelong search for people and places still untainted by industrialisation and the materialism of modern urban society,which Gauguin saw as "morally and physically corrupt".

With Brittany as catalyst,Gauguin and a group of young artists captivated by his ideas,his art and his forceful personality created a new pictorial language.Soon identified by themselves and others as the School of Port Aven" these artists developed a revolutionary style that was vibrant,decorative and powerful.

These were painted during his final visit to Pont Aven

Stillaval 1.Still life with Profile of laval, 1886
Maternity 2.Maternity, 1889
Seaweed 3.Seaweed gatherers, 1890
Threeponds 4.Thatched cottage with three ponds, 1890


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